Saturday, August 25, 2012

Beauty & the Beast LO

So I haven't posted anything in like a billion years. So when I was cleaning off my scrappy area and found this LO that I'd done a month ago, I figured I have the time and apartment to myself tonight so why not post.

Last March, my daughter went  to Disney with her school choir to sing. So I have tons of Disney pics. (Good thing I only have two people who read my blog. Because I'm sure this isn't the last post with a Disney pic in it.)

All the photo's were taken of course by my daughter and her friends with her little Nikon phd camera that has been dropped hundreds of times and is duck taped together so the batteries will stay in. But the pictures came out awesome. Not that you can really tell by this first photo. One of my friends at work was ohhhing and awwing over the colors in the pictures. Honestly I got them printed at CVS, but this is why I always recomend Nikon camera's!!! They take such awesome photo's.

I'm not sure why I always decide to take pictures of my LO's when the good light is gone. So I had to use a slightly longer shutter speed, thus the camera shake. I'm calling this LO Beauty & the Beast (Juliet being the beast, jk)

So the title Alpha's were cork and I decided that I didn't really like the light brown with white polka dots. After I had already put them on, of course. So I took my Copic R29 and colored em. You can see under the "u" where I messed up. But it doesn't bother me too much.

 You can still see the polka dots but I think it goes better with the red flowered paper I used to mat the photo.

Some bling. I'm not much of a bling girl. But I'm trying. Also this is my first twine on a LO. Go me. I'm really digging these MME Funday wood banner's too.

and because I wasn't crazy about the long exposure time on the first shot of the LO, I did one with flash. The picture of course had a big flare from the flash, so to spare your eye's I just photo-shopped in a box.

Here's what I used on the LO:

  • My Minds Eye-Funday wood banners, and red/brown twine,red gems collection, Chloe's Closet alpha's, So Sophie paper
  • Copic- R29
  • Echo Park- Green & brown Paradise Beach paper

over and out- Shannon

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